Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mi Vida Loca

Well, I really don't know what I am doing. I am giving this a try and all of you veteran bloggers out there can give me pointers. I don't know that I can add one more thing to my "to do" list - and I don't think so much of myself to think that anyone is really going to check this regularly just to read about ME. But at times when I know I need to call people and let them know the headlines and big events, this could definitely be the way to go.

I am really enjoying Idaho. I am teaching American Government, Pre Calculus and Algebra. It has been hard to go back to teaching three curriculums, especially considering the Am. Govt is brand new and VERY different from math. It is hard to fill 90 minutes with enough activity and challenge to keep the students interested, successful, and intellectually challenged. With math, that is just not hard to do.

Track season has started. I took a few years off while I taught AP Calculus in Orem, Utah, but I am back on the track and have to say that if the snow/ice ever melts and we can actually run outside and USE the track - then I will start to really enjoy the season. I am the mid-distance coach and I appreciate a light duty. After all, I have to keep the stress level down.

We are waiting to see what my response to the prednesone is as perscribed by the doc. After the liver biopsy he thinks it is autoimmune hepatitis - no this is not the contagious kind! Like the Multiple Sclerosis, it is my own immune system attacking my body. I have had this longer than the MS - more than likely 10 - 15 years according to the doc. He said the liver showed enough scar tissue to suggest it has been there a long time. We will know in another couple of weeks. If not autoimmune hepatitis, then I am going to University of Utah for further testing and consultation/review with a liver specialist.

I will update my summer 2007 adventures as I have time. It was a jam packed summer. I can't ever do one like that again. Three weddings and three high school graduations within a month. From Yosemite National Park to Niagra Falls, I was a gypsy - living out of my truck and being a guest everywhere I went. It is not easy to not have your own place for three months. But I didn't have a lot of choice. It was from one place to the next constantly from May 27th until August 6th, when I got back from the Alaskan Cruise and finally made my way back to Idaho to move into my new place and start a new school year.

Since the school year has started I was hardly home one weekend a month. If it was not a family event like a baptism it was something medical like MRIs in SLC or follow up appointments with my Neurologist. I spent eight days in Cancun in November, another weekend in Southern Utah for Thanksgiving, three weekends in December and two in January where I was either in Oregon or Utah. Seth graduated from Weber State in December and I made a quick trip to Ogden for that. It was so good to see the "little boy" again. (Check out he and Merek's website below!) I spent another weekend in Oregon this month for my grandmother's funeral.

I never thought track season would mean the RELAXING of my schedule - but it looks like it is going to be that way. Now that the season has started and I have obligations to the team on the weekends - I am looking forward to being home through most of the spring.

Okay Okay Okay - not the entire spring. I am going to Florida in March to see Yvette for a week. Spring Break this year is a whole week - and my trip to Niagra Falls last summer left me with credit after accepting a few travel bumps. So I am going to Florida and Yvette is taking me to Orlando.

That's enough for now - I'd love to hear from you!



Abe said...

Good I'm glad to see you blogging. I haven't had enough Jules these last few years.

Love Ya

CETP said...

Hey Julie... Mexico looked fun! Look forward to seeing all those mtns you climb!


Put Yourself In My Shoes

Put Yourself In My Shoes
This was right off my condo's porch